
How much does Google know about me?

How much does Google know about me?

Have you ever wondered how much data Google has about you? The amount of data that this computer giant stores about you is impressive, data that you probably wouldn't even imagine is in its possession and here we tell you how to access it, manipulate it, download your backup and, if necessary, delete it.

Tips for a job interview

Tips for a job interview

A couple of months ago a friend who had just left school asked me this question and I just shared with him 5 simple tips that I take positively when I have the opportunity to interview someone for a vacancy:

Google Allo

Google Allo

Google's WhatsApp with Artificial Intelligence

Google turns 18 and this is how it celebrates

Google turns 18 and this is how it celebrates

This Tuesday, September 27, 2016, the largest and most important search engine on the internet celebrates its 18th anniversary.

E-mail marketing: Small budget, big benefits

E-mail marketing: Small budget, big benefits

Large advertisers seek to attack on all fronts, but... what about small companies?

Twitter will approve longer messages

Twitter will approve longer messages

Starting this week, the social network will allow you to have longer messages in which images and mentions will not count as characters.

IAB launches Digital Glossary in Mexico

IAB launches Digital Glossary in Mexico

IAB in collaboration with the CIM launch the digital glossary as part of the 2016 standardization program - Mexican standards.

Time Management

Time Management

Defining a methodology is relevant to know how we focus on our activities during the day.

Launch of Google Partners Premier in Mexico

Launch of Google Partners Premier in Mexico

On August 4, Google launched its new agency badge "Google Partners Premier"