In this article we will explain keys and tips so you can better understand Our market, we would like to give better insights for those planning business here in the future.

first of all, with a population of 130 million, we have a very market big. Most of the population is concentrated in large cities. These cities are the city from Mexico, Guadalajara and Monterrey with 8, 5 and 4 million inhabitants respectively. In addition to these cities we must not lose sight of the areas that continue to develop like El Bajío, Chihuahua and Saltillo where new opportunities are found.


Now we look at the use of the Internet in Mexico. As worldwide is very widespread, we have 85 million people using it on average 8 hours a day. The highest use by Device are smartphones with 72% of users, followed by laptops and Smart TV’s. Whether it's We talk about search engines, social networks or video games, smartphones always beat the laptops in percentage. Everything is very normal but we must consider that in Mexico Android Reina, with 91% of users of Internet, leave iOS well below.

Let's see how social networks behave. 83 million Mexicans use social networks, this means that 64% of the population is active on some social platform. Facebook and YouTube are the winners with 59 and 58% of users respectively, followed by Instagram Twitter and Google.

starting a business in Mexico was something that should not even Think, but thanks to government actions the circumstances with much better. If you are a Careful investor we believe you can achieve great things here. Of course you must be attentive to The already known problems of our country such as politics, bribes and the very bad Distribution of economic resources.

we also want you to be aware that in Mexico not everything world has a credit card, most people in the big large cities They have, but in the peripheries many lack them due to the necessary requirements to Process them.

In conclusion we mean that starting a business in Mexico is something that you really should consider but we recommend that you look for a local partner to avoid problems that otherwise you could find.