There is a belief that creativity is only typical of a few; which is exclusive to artists or leaders of innovative companies. But the reality is totally different.
To a greater or lesser extent, we all have the potential to generate ideas that overcome the conventional. Like any other ability, creative thinking develops with practice .
five truths about creativity h3>
is focused on results h4>
This is, creativity is not only the ability to give rise to novel, artistic or cool ideas. It also means devising new ways of doing things, obtaining results or achieving a goal through a different method. it is about solving a challenge.
Reason vs. Emotion h4>
As we said, when generating ideas we look for a particular objective. In every creation process, both the rational and emotional factor of the human being should be considered. Suppose the goal is to position a product or a new brand: how would you? Would you explain the benefits and operation of the product? Or would you exploit the restlessness that knows knowing new experiences? There is no correct answer, it is about knowing your audience and highlight the most convenient factor.
interpretation is key h4>
It is easy to develop a fun and original concept. However, our receptors can only interpret it if they relate to what they know, to their experiences or their habits. In this way we will inspire the desired reaction in them. Don't forget it: meet your audience.
*Images owned by their respective brands.
Convergent thinking and divergent thinking h4>
Here why we say that we all have creative capacity . These are two types of thought, associated with each of the hemispheres of the brain. Convergent thinking is logical and linear, it is the one you would use to solve a mathematical operation, for example. Meanwhile, divergent thinking goes to different roads, looks for several alternatives to solve the same goal. The famous phrase "Think outside the box" is the clear example of the divergent.
No thought is better or worse than the other, they complement and apply in different situations, so it is convenient to develop both to the maximum.
and finally, the great truth h4>
creativity does not start from nothing. There is no great idea that has not left for previous ideas or similar concepts. So before dying in the attempt to find the black thread, take some time to look for references and background. Done this, it will be very little time before your great moment of lighting arrives and you discover your winning idea.
tips to boost your creativity h3>
Ok, we already know that we all have the ability to create. Now, where does it start?
Follow these tips to start working on your divergent thinking and release the Draper you carry inside.
in summary ... h4>
Creative thought is more than a quality, it is a tool that offers us new paths to reach our destination. But it is not spontaneous nor is it automatically generated, so it practices a lot, be patient and, above all, have fun!