To understand that it is a bitcoin, it is necessary to know how a traditional currency works, whether pesos, dollars, euros, etc. Initially the coins were valuable minerals such as gold or silver, and only the big merchants or aristocrats had access to these currencies, because it was very insecure due to robbery or lost, the banks created the first tickets or checks, they kept the gold In its vaults and in return you received a piece of paper that endorsed the wealth you had. Eventually this changed and little by little the value was lost, currently the value of money is practically imaginary or virtual and the tickets are issued by banks and it is they who decide what value they have, they are no longer based on minerals, but on many factors As so safe or stable is a country. But we are not going to deepen financial concepts; The money as we see traditionally is by coins or tickets, now if we see it as a digital representation, which can be a simple text message sent online.
bitcoin is the first currency that does not depend on any government or banks, being digital can be sent through the Internet, therefore the commissions by transfers are minimal, Transaction management and Bitcoins issuance is carried out collectively by its users, so there are no intermediaries when you want to buy or pay with this currency, each transfer is made directly from person to person through the network .
The interesting thing about how these bitcoins are created, is that the mathematical operation is so complex that a lot of hardware is required to process it, because each new bitcoin is It takes longer to create than the previous one; That is to say if we have a computer and to create the first currency it takes 15 minutes, for the next one it can be 1 hour, and so on, until the computer no longer resists more processes and literally explodes. That is why to create more currencies, apart from the software, a huge infrastructure and as a reward to support these prosecutions, bitcoins changes are received, this process is known as mining, Bitcoins would literally be mining, of course these processes, of course these processes of mining are connected throughout a collective network. But if we are not interested in undermining all aspects that involve, the easiest way to participate is to invest in Bitcoins, as if it were invested in dollars; Due to the mathematical formula there is a bitcoins limit that can be created, which is why as they are created, the value of the currency increases.
is it worth investing in bitcoins? There is only one way to know, if you are interested in investing or knowing more about this currency, you can find more information at The recommendation is that you first report very well before investing, and that you familiarize yourself with this currency so you can use it safely.