cliché 1: There is a pandemic

There is a lot of talk of the virus, his how he attacks and the consequences he can have for the health of the world, as well as for finance. Latin America does not seem to have good news, according to recent reports from 2020-PRINCIPALES-CONDENDENTIALANTES "> ECLAC

cliché 2: You must pay special attention to your digital channel

digital industry figures in Mexico demonstrate annual double-digit growth, and speaking nothing more than good end, deloitte

cliché 3: This is an atypical year

Of course! We never thought that much of the population would be confined months in their homes. Many companies began a more obliged digital transformation process, some came wonderfully and managed to keep the ship afloat thanks to their digital stores, but, unfortunately, there were also some companies that did not go so well and Many of the failures were in the process of change to the digital world.

What did we learn from clichés?

User Cenred

Buyer Person.

Tools If you want client).

is not online vs. Offline, it's online + offline


Conversion funnel , while your digital platforms are more linked to the average and low parts of it. >

What is coming?

Our government already dictated the Game rules for the good end 2020

Mexico has started vaccine tests , but this does not mean that it will be available in the near future, reality requires us to adapt to its changes. Your digital transformation in 2020 can start with the need to sell more the good end 2020 and that leads you to discover a new market niche that only consumes by digital or a way to keep your business always open, although external situations force you to go down The curtain

What can we do?