Before I give you our secrets, I want you to read these three clichés that only help put us in context, in case you have been in a cave for the last eight months.
Cliché 1: there is a pandemic
There is a lot of talk about the virus, how it attacks and the consequences it can have for the world's health, as well as for finances. Latin America does not seem to have good news, according to recent reports from the ECLAC stay afloat post-CoViD may take three years or more
Cliché 2: you must pay special attention to your digital channel
The figures for the digital industry in Mexico demonstrate double-digit annual growth, and speaking of nothing more than Buen Fin, Deloitte reported last year that many users already compare prices between online and physical environments to make a better purchasing decision during this season, which has become very popular in our country.
Cliché 3: this is an atypical year
Of course! We never thought that a large part of the population would be confined to their homes for months. Many companies began a digital transformation process that was more forced than planned, for some it worked out wonderfully and they managed to keep the ship afloat thanks to their digital stores, but, unfortunately, there were also some companies that did not do so well and Many of the failures were in the process of changing to the digital world.
What did we learn from clichés?
User centered
I am convinced that a website can replace your physical stores, as long as you focus on what your customers need. It's not enough for your site to have a shopping cart, that shopping cart must be easy to fill based on everything you know about your buyer. person.
Don't you know anything about your buyer persona? So, it is worth looking for some tools that measure the profile of your audience and that you have very well mapped the path of your consumer and that you think about a content marketing strategy that allows you to know the things that matter to your audience (insights). These data are vital to plan any digital or offline marketing strategy.
If you don't want to read this entire section, a good summary would be: if you want to sell more in this Buen Fin, focus on your user ( client).
It is not Online vs. Offline, it's Online + Offline
We grew up thinking in opposites (supply/demand, white/black), it is very understandable that we believe that digital marketing and offline marketing do not coexist and that, if we want excel in one, we must give up the other. FAKE! While digital is highly measurable and trackable, the power of offline media cannot be denied, so much so that 100% digital companies, such as Netflix, understand the value of advertising on OOH media.
Your marketing strategies for Buen Fin 2020 must be built through a comprehensive business vision where your offline media function as the upper part of the conversion funnel, while your digital platforms are more linked to the middle and lower parts of the same.
What's coming?
Our government has already dictated the rules of the game for Buen Fin 2020, which will be on the 9th and will end on November 20th and although there are no restrictions on hours in the stores, they will not be able to exceed 30% of their capacity, there will be no exclusive offers in store and shopping is encouraged to be done more online.
Mexico has begun testing the vaccine, but this does not mean that it will be available in the near future, reality requires us to adapt to its changes. Your digital transformation in 2020 can begin with the need to sell more on Buen Fin 2020 and lead you to discover a new market niche that only consumes digitally or a way to always keep your business open, even if external situations force you to go down. the curtain.
What can we do?
The best thing is to start now, after helping many brands to consolidate their business through digital, I can tell you that if you wait for the perfect moment to make the leap to online environments, you will be sitting waiting for a long time, you don't need to have your own online store, you can use marketplaces like Mercadolibre or Amazon, who can get you into the game very quickly.
You are an expert in your business, it is understandable that digital marketing is not a field in which you feel confident entering, the good news is that you do not have to be the leader of this process on your own, we have digital partners who gladly create strategies and can make this transformation quickly, effectively and with very positive results. Come join us and let's talk about how we help you create business results for you.