"The illiterates of the 21st century, will not be those who do not know how to read and write, but those that are not able to learn, unlearn and relear." Span> the shock of the future And those who did not dare to evolve are now forgotten, as is the case of Kodak or Blackberry. But, unlike these two large corporations, it is now not a technological renovation, but a restructuring of their operating and business models. Span> just in the diversity of business models is that we understand that there is no magical solution that, for the moment, solves all the needs of companies worldwide. Innovation instead will always be a key for companies not to die. in this new reality that we live, we can divide companies into 4 groups: only for one of these groups, the result has been imposed by reality and cannot change it. The rest has been able to decide how to deal with the crisis. Well says the saying:
people now train, consume in restaurants from home and make their purchases differently, and only those who think different Take your company to the next level. In the case of agencies, today more than ever, the following formula becomes imperative: client + agency + platforms = objectives achieved
Written by: MCK Expertos Digitales
Date: 2020-05-05 00:00:00