The tip of the iceberg

A Project Manager is the person in charge of complying with a single mission: Finish a project in the indicated time and form .

In a digital agency the project can be translated as a site, system or web application, the implementation of an advertising campaign, or the fulfillment of one or more requirements requested by a client.

At first glance it may seem easy, but this is only the tip of the iceberg, the task becomes a little more complex because a Project Manager is not the one who can finish a project by itself but it has to rely on people who do They can do it, that is, a team.

That is when the real show of a Project Manager begins.

In a digital agency a team is mainly formed by designers and programmers, although there may also be other elements that are integrated as Copys, analytics specialists, or marketing.

communicate the mission to the team , that is, the objective of the project.

plan who does what, how it will do it and when you have to have it to achieve the time and shape of the project . It also evaluates what could go wrong in the project and anticipate leaving indicated in the options B and C options that can be useful if something fails, in other words, evaluate and prevent risks < span style = "font-weight: 400;">.

When each team member knows what to do and when they must deliver it, then they begin to execute it.

At this point, the function of the Project Manager is that of . While a Project Manager is not a designer or a programmer, there are many tasks that can facilitate them to avoid delays or errors.

During the execution stage, the Project Manager mainly facilitates information. Information that can come from the client, suppliers, or other team members. At the same time that it facilitates, also monitors and supervises that each member meets their tasks assigned at the times indicated in the plan

change control and adjust the plan whenever necessary.

when everyone has already fulfilled their tasks, the Project Manager, , that is, the requirements or scope of the project have been met, this is the quality .

when the quality of the project is ensured, then the Project Manager does the final delivery to the client and when your approval is received then it can be closed, or

All of the above are the operational functions of a Project Manager, and there are several methodologies that help Project to improve them to fulfill their objective. PMI, CMMI or agile methodologies such as Scrum are some of them.

But there is a parallel show in which a Project Manager must show another range of skills.

the other show

The main resource of a Project Manager is people and therefore, a Project Manager rather than administer projects, you must know how to lead people. Being reliable, humble and honest greatly facilitates its

in this range of skills, , and how to make every task of the members of your team have a meaning beyond the task itself ().

the keys to success In my experience within a large digital agency I can say that the two keys for a Project Manager to succeed are:


in the words of John Maeda: make everything simple. The organization makes it very seem little. Knowledge makes things simpler [because you will always do what you should do and the way you should do it].

support the team

if you want to get quickly, see alone, if you want to go further, go with a team Font-Weight: 400; ">. Far from having control of everything in each project, to make their teams grow and achieve their maximum potential, they are the reasons why most good manager are successful.